A Unique Program for Your Class

Give your kids a global perspective without leaving the classroom

Through in-person or remote engagement we can connect your class to the work of providing kids in Uganda with clean water for life.

We would love to create a unique Walk4Water experience that suits your classroom situation. Please contact us.

Zoom in with the CEO of Acts for Water (and More)
We will set up a time for Jeff Golby, CEO of Acts for Water, to Zoom in with your class

He’ll share a video, presentation and do Q&A with your kids about the water crisis and how they can get involved. We’ll follow this up with additional videos, TapStand GPS locations and other resources you can use to further engage your kids in the cause. This can be done in person if District protocols allow. Should your class be open to fundraising, we would connect you with our local team in Uganda where we can do custom videos and create more opportunities for engagement.

A Zoom Call is open to any class, anywhere in the world, with no minimum to fundraise or engage with Acts for Water.

Host an outdoor Walk4Water with your class
We will help you run a Walk4Water event, following your district's COVID-19 protocols

Should this option be allowed by your District, the CEO will come in advance to do a presentation, share a video and explain what a Walk4Water is. We will set a date that works with the class, and provide the jerry cans for the kids. The walks involve carrying empty jerry cans a distance (to be determined by the teacher) and then returning with full jerry cans. Following the walk, we usually provide a forum for conversation and discussion about the experience.

The Walk4Water was invaluable for my class! It was such a practical application for me to weave into my curriculum for Socials, Science, Health and PE! Julie, Grade 3-5 Teacher

Fundraising for Clean Water

Rally your class around providing clean, fresh water for kids in Uganda. We will set up a donation page similar to THIS with a goal that works for you. We’ll also give your class an online toolkit to help them engage their family and friends in raising money to bring water to kids who go without. Typically we anchor it around a $2 a month subscription/pledge for 1 year which will bring a child in Uganda clean water for the entire time they are a student!

Contact us today to inspire students with a personal connection to the water crisis.

The Walk4Water was such an excellent learning opportunity! It helped my class raise awareness of water poverty and see themselves as important participants in working together towards a solution. Jackie, Grade 7 Teacher

Contact us today to learn more about hosting an event at your school.

Copyright © 2025 Africa Community Technical Services.

ACTS is an accredited member of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities. Africa Community Technical Service Society - 132373077RR0001. All donations will be used for Board approved programs and projects. When any need or project goals has been met, extra funds will be used in areas of greatest need.